Tarpon Springs Trawler

Tarpon Springs Trawler, Landscape
Tarpon Springs Trawler
This alla prima painting was done in an evening by married artist duo, same time, same canvas as part of their series 52 Weeks 52 Quickies ( once a week paintings together for a year!) This is year 3!
Week 113

Nickle, Naples, King’s blue and their friends sat expectantly on our palette chatting excitedly. I had our setup all ready. Then, Laert suggested we try using a modified Zorn palette. This is the historical/traditional palette used by many artists over the centuries. It consists of yellow ocher, cadmium red, black and white (adding in our French ultramarine). So I scraped the vibrant paints off for later and filled it with that classic, limited set of pigments.
And....These paints are so moody! At first they resisted, but gave in as they blended into gorgeous subtle tones. It was fun to play with these colors, and as with any limited palette, easier mentally, naturally cohesive and with this one, timelessly beautiful. Our under painting is a collection of mossy Venetian greens. Together, this summer evening is given its moody, breathless calm. Seasoned trawlers sigh and give content tugs at their moorings. I feel the night coming. How it slowly, soundlessly invades the shadows, deepening the darkness already there, barely perceptible yet still wholly palpable. It is a blanket of deep calm and spreading satisfaction.

Landscape    40 x 30 x 1