Madonna In Chrome

Madonna In Chrome, Still Life
Madonna In Chrome
This is a close up of a chrome statue.

Married artist duo, paints every week for a year together,same canvas same time.

Week 94

When the eye focuses, the soft and hard congeal, turning molten metal into reverent contemplation.

The soft folds frame her saintly face as she looks down, but her head is not bowed in contrition. The chrome turns hot around a mouth not pulled taunt with piety, rather seems resolute and relaxed, as if pausing to listen and be.

Her confidence does not seem to be in her standing as Mother of God. It’s not in shimmering ecclesiastical vestments or rituals. She is simply silently and constantly reflects the light. As I stand near, I realize she is also reflecting me.

Beauty and divinity are in mirroring the deep, wild and wonderful good around and in us.

Still Life    24 x 30 x 0.5