Second look

Second look, Landscape
Second look
This painting is inspired by a hike I did on Mount Washington. On this particular day, a light rain made sure to revive nature's colors, like a varnish enhancing the brilliance of a surface. My eyes were captivated, absorbed by the ever-changing scenery unfolding before me. However, the need to be vigilant with every step constantly brought my sight forward, my conscience persuading me of this safer choice. Always looking ahead so as to put my foot down in the right place, ready to take on the next obstacle, the next climb... a quest for the summit.

As human beings, our horizontal field of vision is limited to around 180°. So we're naturally inclined to look ahead, driven by an instinct for constant progress. We rarely look back.

Between two strides, I decided to stop for a moment and look behind me. I was seeing the landscape for the second time, but this time with a second set of eyes. I could now see how far I'd come, what I'd achieved. And it was magnificent, even more beautiful than the first time! I was in a state of contemplation and admiration, my mind free of all preoccupations. I took a moment to photograph the moment, which is now immortalized in this painting. For me, it symbolizes the importance of occasionally glancing back, to fully appreciate and appreciate how far we've come.

Landscape    36 x 30 x 1.5